Sunday, September 27, 2009
March in Solidarity with G20 rioters and student occupiers in California.
On September 25th, in New York City a group of about 60 people congregated in Union Square in an unpermitted march in solidarity with G20 rioters and student occupiers in California.
The crowd marched and chanted with some bystanders joining spontaneously, when the crowd marched near NYU, students cheered and joined the march for a few blocks.
Marcha en Solidaridad con los distrbios del G20 y la ocupación estudiantil en California.
El 25 de septiembre en la Ciudad de Nueva York, un grupo de 60 personas se congregaron en la plaza Union Square para manifestarse con una marcha no permitida, en solidaridad con los distrbios del G20 y la ocupación estudiantil en California.
Los manifestantes marcharon y gritaron consignas en las calles de Nueva York, algunas personas que se encontraban en el área se unieron espontaneamente a la marcha, cuando la manifestación llegó cerca de la Universidad de Nueva York (NYU) los estudiantes se animaron y se unieron a la marcha por algunas cuadras.
Student walk outs and occupations in California
On Thursday, September 24th, actions against the budget cuts, fee hikes, layoffs and furloughs at University of California campuses took place throughout the UC system.
On September 24th, students at UC Santa Cruz began the occupation of the Graduate Student Commons as part of a day of action at all UCs across the state. The building is located in a central location on campus, across from the Bay Tree Bookstore. The occupation is continuing into the weekend.
For the UC Santa Cruz Occupation Statement and more info, click here.
On the same day, the UC Berkeley campus started with picket lines and teach-outs happening around campus, with a mass rally and march and a general assembly in the evening to plan the next steps forward.
The Berkeley protest was one of many held across California in an unprecedented day of action directed at university authorities and state governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Faculty, students and unions from the University of California's 10 campuses including its two most prestigious, UCLA and Berkeley, joined forces in what was the biggest student protest for more than a generation.
For more info about what happened in UC Berkeley, click here.
Ocupaciones y protestas estudiantiles en California.
Acciones contra el recorte presupuestal, el aumento de cuotas y los despidos injustificados en las universidades de California tomaron lugar en distintos campus universitario este jueves 24 de septiembre.
El 24 de septiembre, estudiantes de la Universidad de Santa Cruz comenzaron una ocupación en el Centro de Estudiantes de Posgrado como parte del día de acción en todas las universidades de California. El edificio se encuentra en el centro del campus universitario. La ocupación continua durante el fin de semana.
Para leer un comunicado en inglés de los estudiante de la Universidad de Santa Cruz, haz click aquí.
En el mismo día, en el campus universitario de Berkeley hubieron manifestaciones y clases al aire libre con una marcha masiva y una asamblea general.
La protesta de Berkeley fué una de muchas que se dieron lugar a lo largo y ancho del estado de California en un día de acción sin precedentes dirijida contra las autoridades universitarias y el gobernador del estado, Arnold Schwarzenegger que lo único que ha hecho es profundizar aún más la crisis económica que vive el estado. Estudiantes, profesores y trabajadores unieron fuerzas en lo que se considera como la movilización estudiantil más grande que ha tenido los Estados Unidos en décadas.
Para más info en inglés acerca de lo que pasó en Berkeley, haz click aquí.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
G20 in Pittsburgh, The City was on Fire!!
Heads of State of 20 of the most powerful governments in the world, representing 19 countries and the European Union, met in Pittsburgh, PA on September 24th and 25th.
Our comrades were prepared to demonstrate against the capitalist policies of the G20. The demonstrations started on Thursday afternoon, lasted until 4 am and continued on Friday. Blockades, marches and intense rioting were present all over the city, especially in the downtown area of Oakland.
A protest march starting at 2:30pm made its way towards the downtown area where clashes broke out between riot police and rock throwing demonstrators.
Later another march leaving from friendship park in the Bloomfield neighborhood ended in clashes with police and windows broken at a Boston Market, and a bank. Rioters dressed in all black and wearing bandanas weaved their way through Pittsburgh screaming, “We’re here we're queer, we're anarchists we'll fuck you up!." Pittsburgh residents were cheering and raising their fists as the crowd marched by. Many other people, joined the march.
Some of the protesters used bricks and hammers to bash in windows to McDonald’s, Kinko’s, The Pitt Shop, Rite Aid, American Apparel, Quiznos, iHop, a recruiting station, and a police sub station among others. They also lit dumpsters on fire.
The group eventually joined the people protesting in Schenley Plaza and around the Cathedral of Learning just in time to hear the police declare the event an “unlawful assembly,” over a loud speaker system.
Police threw dozens of canisters of gas and used for the first time in the US, LRAD cannons to disperse the crowds. Despite the attempts of the police to re-establish "order", the chaos that wrapped the city for several hours was uncontrollable. Decentralized actions, black blocks, student marches and crowds of angry neighbors paralyzed Pittsburgh for two days.
El G20 en Pittsburgh, La ciudad ardió!
Jefes de Estado de los 20 gobiernos más poderosos del mundo, representanto a 19 países y la Unión Europea, se reunieron en Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania el 24 y 25 de septiembre.
Nuestrxs camaradas se prepararon para manifestarse contra las políticas capitalistas del grupo de los 20. Las manifestaciones comenzaron la tarde del jueves y duraron hasta las 4 de la mañana y continuaron el viernes duante todo el día. Bloqueos, marchas y disturbios intensos se manifestaron por toda la ciudad, especialmente en el centro del barrio de Oakland.
Una marcha salió a las 2:30 pm y se encaminó hacia el cenro de la ciudad, donde manifestantes que tiraban piedras se enfrentaron con la policía.
Más tarde otra marcha salió del Parque de la Amistad en el distrito de Bloomfield, y terminó en enfrentamientos con la policía y vidrios rotos en el Boston Market (restaurante de comida rápida) y en un banco. Los que se amotinaban vestían completamente de negro y tenían sus rostros cubiertos, zigzagueando por las calles de Pittsburgh y gritando "Estamos aquí, somos queer, somos anarquistas y los vamos a joder!" Residentes de Pittsburgh gritaban y aplaudían en apoyo a lxs manifestantes mientras alzaban sus puños al aire. Hubo personas que se unieron espontaneamente a la marcha.
Algunxs de lxs manifestantes usaron ladrillos y martillos para romper las ventanas de establecimientos de comida rápida y cadenas comerciales como: McDonald’s, Kinko’s, The Pitt Shop, Rite Aid, American Apparel, Quiznos, iHop, una estación de reclutamiento y una estación de policía entre otros. También prendieron fuego a basureros a lo largo del camino.
Éste mismo grupo, se unió más tarde a otro grupo que protestaba en Schenley Plaza y en los alrededores de la Catedral de la Enseñanza, justo a tiempo para escuchar la advertencia de la policía que declaraba el evento como ”asamblea ilegal”.
La policia arrojó decenas de cartuchos de gas y utilizó por primera vez en Estados Unidos un cañón de Acústica de Largo Alcance para tratar de dispersar a la gente. A pesar de los intentos de la policía por reestablecer el "orden", el caos que envolvió a la ciudad por bastantes horas era incontrolable.
Acciones descentralizadas, bloques negros, marchas estudiantiles y grupos de vecinos enojados paralizaron Pittsburgh durante dos días.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sometimes you need to choose a side...
Recently released documents show that the ACLU is planning on doing legal observation for the upcoming G20 protests in pittsburgh. Usually at demonstrations like these legal support is provided by the National Lawyers Guild, or other groups sympathetic to 'radicals' like the Midnight Special, or People's Law Collective. The ACLU however is planning on being 'neutral' and intends to videotape and surveil the activities of protesters who break the law as well as the behavior of the police. They also state that they will testify in court about such illegal activity.
From the documents:
"Again your job is to document, as thoroughly as possible, any incidents, arrests, or misconduct (by police or protesters) that take place. Document everything the police and protesters do as thoroughly as possible." "Stay vigilant at all times. Look for signs of potential trouble such as protesters wearing masks..."
Which side are you on?
In NYC in the late 1990s the ACLU famously took on the case of KKK members who planned to protest in the city. The ACLU took the city to court over the mask law which would make it illegal for the Klan to demonstrate with their pointy white hoods. However when a similar case arose in 2000 involving anarchists who were arrested and attacked by police for wearing masks at a Mayday demonstration the ACLU refused to help. The ACLU has also been largely silent if not latently supportive of federal repression of Animal and Earth Liberationists.
Check out the pdfs of the ACLU documents.
here and here
Monday, September 07, 2009
No More Deaths Will Be Accepted, All Will Be Avenged!
An early start to "Black September" in Chile...
A group of 'encapuchados' attack the precinct of the plainclothes investigative police (PDI) outside of the Unversidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano (UAHC) campus in Santiago. Reports are coming in that at least two people have been arrested in connection with the attack.
(from corporate media):
Chilean police authorities continue to track down the estimated 50 hooded protesters who mobbed a Providencia police building Wednesday afternoon, leaving one detective injured and prompting a major university to close its doors. As of early Thursday morning, police had captured two suspects. The attack on the Homicidal Brigade of the Investigations Police (PDI) - Chile’s plainclothes detective force – was apparently launched in protest of the upcoming Sept. 11, 1973 coup anniversary that ousted President Salvador Allende. During the 10-minute attack, college-aged protestors tossed Molotov bombs, rocks and cans through the building’s windows and at police officers who tried to stop them.
Chilean police authorities continue to track down the estimated 50 hooded protesters who mobbed a Providencia police building Wednesday afternoon, leaving one detective injured and prompting a major university to close its doors. As of early Thursday morning, police had captured two suspects.
The attack on the Homicidal Brigade of the Investigations Police (PDI) - Chile’s plainclothes detective force – was apparently launched in protest of the upcoming Sept. 11, 1973 coup anniversary that ousted President Salvador Allende.
During the 10-minute attack, college-aged protestors tossed Molotov bombs, rocks and cans through the building’s windows and at police officers who tried to stop them.
Violent public outbreaks are commonplace around Sept. 11 in Chile, but protestors struck days earlier than expected this year, angered by recent clashes between police and Chile’s Mapuche population, the nation’s largest indigenous group, in Region IX.
"No more deaths will be accepted, all will be avenged," read a banner that mobbers waved, alluding to the controversial police shooting of 24-year-old Mapuche activist Jaime Mendoza Collío, who died Aug. 12 from a bullet would to the back (ST, Aug. 25 ).
Signs bore the names of Collío and anarchist Mauricio Morales Duarte, who was killed in May when a bomb he carried in his backpack exploded.
From a communique written by participants in the action:
“At the beginning of our demonstration a detective from the Homicide Brigade proceeded to attack one of our comrades, we beat him back. Because of this the rest of the detectives came out to defend him using their arms against ours. With automatic rifles, pistols, revolvers, sub machine guns and shields they tried to disperse us, but our revolutionary conviction and our rage, which make us realize that we are fighting for our people and in memory of those who have fallen in the struggle, was stronger than their weapons.
… The PDI has characterized itself by its oppressive character as we have seen in Wall Mapu, where together with Carabineros and the army they have militarized the zone and developed a counterinsurgency to destroy the Mapuche struggle…
With rocks, Molotov cocktails, and paint bombs we confronted the bullets of the PDI, and forced them to stay locked up inside of their station…”
Un grupo de alrededor de 50 encapuchadxs, a eso de las 13:30hrs, salieron en las inmediaciones de la UAHC a cortar la calle prendiendo barricadas.
Todo estaba como suele suceder, hasta que un agente de la PDI quizo dárselas de héroe intentando detener a un compa, ante lo cual lxs manifestantes respondieron inmediatamente rescatando al compa y el agente fue golpeado. Cuando se rescataba al compa y se golpeaba al agente, otros agentes salieron en defensa de su compañero, quien se encontraba tirado en el piso, disparando contra lxs manifestantes que por suerte no resultaron heridxs, salvo algunxs que fueron alcanzadxs por balines de goma. Es aquí cuando el cuartel de la PDI comenzo a ser atacado lanzando decenas de cócteles molotov, piedras y bombas de pintura. Producto de las bombas incendiarias el cuartel había comenzado a arder, pero fue apagado por los agentes.
El agente de la PDI agredido fue trasladado al hospital de carabineros, donde se constato que tenia lesiones en el cuerpo y que producto de un golpe con una piedra en el rostro le volaron tres dientes (jajajaja…).
También otros agentes fueron alcanzados por piedras y bombas de pintura.
En el lugar la policía encontró lienzos con mensajes alusivos al aniversario 36 del golpe de estado y en solidaridad con el Jaime Mendoza Collío y el compañero Mauricio Morales.
Mas info desde Hommodolars en Chile
Del communicado:
"Iniciada nuestra manifestación, un detective de la Brigada de Homicidios procedió a agredir a un compañero, por lo que lo repelimos a golpes. Frente a esto, el resto de los detectives salió en su defensa utilizando sus armas contra nosotros. Con escopetas de repetición, pistolas, revólveres, subametralladoras y escudos, intentaron dispersarnos, pero nuestra convicción revolucionaria y el coraje que nos da el saber que estamos luchando por nuestro pueblo y en la senda de quienes han caído en la lucha popular, fue más fuerte.
Nuestras armas eran para impedir que las fuerzas represivas acabasen con nuestra manifestación. En verdad, esperábamos que fuesen fuerzas Especiales de Carabineros, sin embargo fue la PDI, parte del aparato represivo del Estado, quien se hizo presente. No dudamos ni un segundo en hacerles frente. La PDI se ha caracterizado por su carácter opresivo, como lo hemos visto en Wall Mapu, en donde junto a carabineros y el Ejército han militarizado la zona y desarrollado una política contrainsurgente para acabar con la lucha mapuche; hemos sabido también como estos opresores abusan de menores de edad en Valparaíso y se caracterizan por ser reiteradamente corruptos; y muchos sabemos también como la PDI es parte esencial de la cadena del narcotráfico (defendiendo a ciertos narcos, atacando y realizando “mexicanas legales” a su competencia), que tiene a los jóvenes de nuestras poblaciones sumidos en la droga. No creemos en las blancas palomas que nos muestran los programas de televisión.
Con piedras, bombas molotovs y bombas de pinturas, enfrentamos las balas de la Policía de Investigaciones y los obligamos a mantenerse encerrados al interior del cuartel. Anticipo de lo que ocurrirá este 11 de septiembre cuando la juventud combatiente y el resto del pueblo que es explotado y marginado cotidianamente por este sistema, salga a las calles a recuperar sus poblaciones y a demostrar su rabia en contra las desigualdades que genera el capitalismo y de quienes las defienden."
black september 2008:
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Chile: Carabineros kill again. Avenge Jaime Mendoza Collio!
(pix from our war)
On August 12th the Carabineros (Chilean National Police) shot and killed a 24 year old Mapuche activist, Jaime Mendoza Collío.
¨24 year-old Mapuche community member, José Facundo Mendoza Collío, died this afternoon, after a group of families belonging to the Requén Pillán Community of the Ercilla area, occupied the San Sebastián estate located 12 kilometres west of Collipulli, township of Angol.¨
Repression in Mapuche territories in the central and southern regions of Chile has grown as land occupations by Mapuche spread.
Riots have broken out in Santiago calling for revenge for this Mapuche warrior.
Jaime Mendoza Collío, Mapuche de 24 años fue asesinado por los Carabineros el 12 de Agosto.
Mas info por Hommodolars
Video showing other Mapuche killed by the Carabineros and the response to the shootings in Santiago:
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Get Walking: March in Solidarity with Latin America and Against Fascism
On Saturday night a small march left from Tompkins Square Park in NYC's Lower East Side. The was march called in solidarity with indigenous groups fighting the Peruvian government who had been massacred in the Amazon, resistance to the right wing coup in Honduras and the anti fascist demonstration being held in Greensboro North Carolina the same day. From the call:
"There is a war going on that we are involved with daily, for some it is a low intensity conflict that is often difficult to see clearly, for others it is crystal clear. Capitalism is involved in a constant offensive against all of us who dare stand in its way or who try, in vain, to carve out a space autonomous from the dominant order.
Throughout the Americas, and the world, we see this conflict played out. In 2 months alone dozens of indigenous people in the Peruvian Amazon have been massacred because they stood in the way of Capital's advances. In Chile our comrades face imprisonment and massive repression as they continue to fight back against the democratic myth that keeps the dictatorial reality running smoothly. We remember, with rage in our hearts, Jaime Mendoza Collio, a 24 year old Mapuche militant, killed by police in a land occupation in Chile 10 days ago. In Central America the wealthy oligarchs have begun their counter offensive against the small gains that the left have made after years of military dictatorship and outright fascism.
Here in the US we see capitalism facing its most serious crisis in our lifetimes. We also see the radical right, fascist groups, and racialists of all stripes attempting to use this moment to their advantage. On Saturday the 29th the National Socialist Movement (American Nazi Party) is holding a gathering in Greensboro, NC where 30 years ago 5 anti-fascists were gunned down by fascists at an anti-KKK rally. Antifa from all over the US will be mobilizing to stop them. We stand in active solidarity with all of our comrades in Latin America, and the world, who are fighting against the state and capital.
We must grasp the totality of the current situation, see that we are living in a period of global civil war and begin to choose sides.
Solidarity Means Attack!"
"The only choice our miserable lives allow is either the total destruction of a world dominated by government or to continue to drown in generalized barbarity."
A pamphlet entitled "Get Walking" was distributed to passerby and march attendees providing an important critique of latin american events...
Download a pdf here
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