Monday, February 15, 2010
Antifa Stop Nazi March in Dresden
Thousands of people gathered in Dresden to block for the first time an annual neo-Nazi march commemorating the Allied bombing of the German city during World War II.
Some 6,400 neo-Nazis gathered outside the Neustadt railway station to mark the anniversary of the devastating bombing raids, and were to have staged a "funeral march" after listening to a series of speeches, but around 12,000 counter-protestors blocked the rally.
"We have for the first time succeeded in preventing the biggest neo-Nazi march in Europe," said Lena Roth of the "Dresden without Nazis" alliance of politicians, artists and unionists.
Police, who deployed nearly 5,700 men, said late Saturday that clashes broke out on several occasions resulting in "at least 27 injured, including 15 policemen" as stones and bottles were thrown.
Entre 10.000 y 12.000 antifascistas bloquearon el sábado varias calles y avenidas y evitaron que se realice el tradicional desfile neonazi en la ciudad de Dresde, Alemania del Este. Mas info con fotos y video
Tamara's Current Situation (spain)/ Alfredo and Christos Denied Bail (greece)
February 15 will mark two months since our friend and comrade Tamara was abducted by the state.
Currently, Brians I prison administration has ordered the limitation of her visitation rights and phone calls.Her mail is being monitored, and they only give it to her when they feel like it.
An appeal for her provisional liberty has been denied.Right now, we are awaiting new motions by her defense, which could lead to changes in the judicial process.
We know that information about her case has been hard to come by, but prison and the law know nothing of life, of time.
Letters from Tamara (via This is our Job)
From the other side of the wall: Letter #1 from Tamara
From the other side of the wall: Letter #2 from Tamara
The two anarchist comrades, Alfredo Maria Bonanno and Christos Stratigopoulos, accused of being involved in a bank robbery in Trikala, Greece have had their bail refused.
Read More
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Riot 2010! A Heart Attack in Vancouver!/Disturbio 2010! Un infarto para Vancouver!
February 13th saw an escalation in anti olympic activity in Vancouver. An action called Heart Attack wound through the streets of Vancouver attacking symbols of capitalism and businesses that support the Olympic games. Fights broke out as police attacked the crowd, violently arresting seven. The march intending to block the highway leading to Whistler, where the games are being held, was stopped but not before releasing its rage on the city center.
No Olympics on Stolen Land!
Read a first hand reportback from SF's Friendly Fire Collective (beware of moments of pretty weak analysis)
En el 13 de Febrero, las acciones anti olímpicas se escalaron dramáticamente en Vancouver, Canadá. La acción denominada como Ataque al Corazón (heart attack) se abria paso por las calles de Vancouver atacando símbolos capitalistas como bancos y negocios que patrocinan los juegos olímpicos. Surgieron algunas grescas cuando la policía atacó a lxs que participaban en las acciones, arrestando violentamente a siete personas. La marcha intentaba bloquear la vía que lleva a Whistler, donde los juegos olímpicos estan tomando lugar, la marcha fué detenida antes de llegar a su destino pero no sin antes haber desahogado su furia en el centro de la ciudad.
No a las Olimpiadas en las tierras robadas a los indios americanos!
Para leer un reporte en inglés first hand reportback del colectivo de San Francisco Friendly Fire
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sabotage 2010, No Olympics on Stolen Land...
Over a thousand people took to the streets on Friday the 12th blocking the olympic torch run as it made its way to the opening ceremonies in Vancouver. Clashes with police broke out briefly, a police spokesperson said that one cop was hospitalized. More action is expected tomorrow.
A brief look at the horror that the Olympics have brought in the past.
Video from today:
No 2010 Website
Monday, February 08, 2010
Free the Belgrade 6!
The arrests are allegedly related to a direct action which took place at the Greek Embassy on Aug. 25. Negligible damage was done; a crack in one window, a tiny burn mark on the facade and a circled A graffiti on the embassy as a act of symbolic solidarity with Thodoros Iliopoulos. are to be tried for international terrorism. They 6 have now been charged with "International Terrorism" and face 15 years in prison. In the near future, this means they will remain incommunicado in jail for at least several months.
They are accused of being the authors of graffiti painted on the Greek embassy last 25th August, and of having thrown a petrol bomb which only damaged a window. The fact that the comrades deny that they had anything to do with these events clearly does not worry the Serbian State in its obsession to find someone guilty. Indeed, from Paris to Belgrade, the international police are all very much alike… They must have had the same instructors…
Read More and Support the Belgrade 6!
Solidarity is a Weapon, use it!
El 4 de septiembre de 2009 el Tribunal local de Belgrado decidía que los miembros de la ASI detenidos serían retenidos durante 30 días. Entre los encarcelados se encuentran Ratibor Trivunac (Secretario General de la AIT)), Tadej Kurepa, Ivan Vulović, Sanja Đokić, Ivan Savić y Nikola Mitrović. Nuestros compañeros están acusados de un acto de terrorismo internacional.
La Confederación de Sindicatos "Iniciativa Anarco-sindicalista" se enteró a través de los medios de comunicación del ataque a la embajada griega y de la organización que lo asumió.
Friday, February 05, 2010
Barricades on Insurgentes, Mexico City
Barricades and confrontations in Solidarity with prisoners, in Mexico City:
" 'The great are great only because we are on our knees. Let us rise!'
-Max Stirner
In the early morning of Tuesday, February 2nd, a cell in solidarity with the call for Anti Prison Agitation, moved into the streets to set fire to dumpsters along Insurgenetes Avenue of the Federal District [a major thoroughfare of Mexico City], to show our anger and rage against the centers of annihilation called prisons, and to call for their destruction. The action caused minor chaos with the traffic stopped for a few minutes until the Police came, and because of our great anger we responded to them causing injuries to our enemies, which caused one of them to open fire to disperse us. After this we left to not end up in jail or put ourselves at further risk. Regardless it is clear that this will not be the first nor the last time that this shall pass and each day we will try to overthrow every one of our enemies until we succeed in achieving our long sought freedom.
We understand that the problem is not delincuency, rebelliousness, or disobedience, but rather the entire system which involves the hypocrisy of power and the contemptible existence of a tangible inequality. We understand who are our enemies and we act in solidarity with all of those whom from the trenches try to overthrow them with whatever means they find necessary.
We have declared war, we won't stop until we have destroyed all that attempts to kill humanity.
We extend a greeting to all whom have decided to begin the battle and who have begun to light up the night in different ways. We act in solidarity with all political prisoners and also with those who have been victims of this miserable system.
For the total destruction of the prisons, for the total destruction of the system.
-Nameless Individuals"
Barricadas y enfrentamientos en solidaridad con lxs presxs, México
(por liberacion total)
“Los grandes son grandes porque estamos de rodillas, levantémonos!”
Max Stirner
"En la madrugada del martes 2 de febrero, una célula en solidaridad con la Jornada de Agitación Anticarcelaria, salimos a incendiar unos contenedores sobre la Avenida Insurgentes del Distrito Federal, como muestra de nuestro enojo y rabia contra los centros de aniquilación llamados cárceles y por la destrucción de las mismas. Se causó un pequeño caos vial y la circulación se detuvo por algunos minutos hasta que miembros de la Policía llegaron, y al ser grande nuestro enojo, respondimos ante ello causando heridas a nuestros enemigos, lo que hizo que uno de ellos disparara para disolvernos. Al suceder esto, nos retiramos para no ser encarceladxs o expuestxs. Sin embargo, nos es claro que no será la primera ni la última vez que suceda y que cada día intentaremos derrocar a cada uno de nuestros enemigos hasta lograr nuestra anhelada libertad.
Entendemos que el problema no es la delincuencia, la rebeldía o la desobediencia, sino todo el sistema que entraña la hipocresía del poder y la existencia ruin de una desigualdad palpable. Tenemos claro quiénes son nuestros enemigos y nos solidarizamos con todxs aquellxs que desde sus trincheras intentan derrocarlos por los medios que les sean pertinentes. Hemos declarado una guerra y ésta no cesará hasta destruir todo lo que atenta contra la humanidad.
Extendemos saludos a todxs los que han decidido comenzar la batalla y han comenzado a iluminar la noche de diversas maneras. Nos solidarizamos con lxs presxs políticxs y también con los que han sido víctimas de este sistema miserable.
Por la destrucción total de las prisiones, por la destrucción total del sistema.
Individuos sin nombre"