Monday, May 25, 2009

Mauricio Morales Presente!

Early in the Morning of May 22nd in Santiago, Chile, Mauricio Morales, a 27 year old anarchist, was killed when an explosive device he was carrying exploded in his backpack. Word has it that shortly after his death police attempted and carried out raids at various squats and social centers in Santiago. Below is a report from comrades of Mauricio:

"During the early morning of May 22, we lost our beloved comrade Mauricio Morales Duarte. According to the bourgeois press, Mauricio was transporting an explosive device in downtown Santiago. The device exploded unexpectedly, and our comrade died in combat.

Long live comrade Mauricio Morales! Mauricio joins the list of fallen combatants under the democratic regime in Chile. He was a dedicated and militant anarchist. We remember Mauricio as a youth combatant like so many before him.

Over the last three years, there have been countless non-lethal and low intensity attacks on capital across Chile. These attacks have often fallen near the anniversaries of various days of combat, and they have occurred without arrests.

Police are currently searching for a second person present at the scene of Mauricio's death. They are also raiding various anarchist squats across Santiago."

More information including translations from the capitalist press

Durante la madrugada del día 22 de mayo y luego que una fuerte explosión sacudiera el barrio Matta, en las cercanías de la "escuela" de gendarmería (policía de prisiones), una serie de hechos se desencadenan como consecuencia de lo sucedido.

Los medios burgueses comienzan a hablar pronto de un muerto, rápidamente se informa que la persona sería un hombre y que circulaba en bicicleta para luego decir que había muerto como consecuencia del artefacto explosivo que portaba. Las fuerzas represivas del Estado se aunan y copan el lugar para periciar el sector. Los jefes de los organos represivos al unísono con La Moneda, deciden ocultar la identidad de, como llamaron, "El Hombre Bomba".

Mas informacíon en español

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