Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Year Later Carlos Vive! / Un año después de su asesinato Carlos Vive!

A year after 16 year old anti fascist Carlos Palomino was stabbed and killed by a Nazi on his way to an antifa demonstration thousands (maybe up to 10,000) people filled the streets of Madrid in his memory to show their opposition to fascism and to prove that Carlos' death has invigorated the Anti-Fascist fight in Madrid.

Un año después del asesinato de joven antifascista, Carlos Palomino, un gran marcha salio a las calles de Madrid en solidaridad con esta compañero caido en la lucha antifascista.
¨La enorme manifestación de ayer (quizás 10.000 personas) nos permite constatar dos cosas: una, que el antifascismo madrileño está más fuerte que nunca, y otra, que el poder, a la vista de esto, no se va a quedar de brazos cruzados.

Desde arriba se ve a un nuevo "actor" en la escena política madrileña, que no para de crecer: el movimiento antifascista. A pesar de que los poderosos intentaron por diversos medios frenarlo, llegando incluso hasta el asesinato, eso ha provocado más unión y más crecimiento.¨

mas desde la haine

Anarchists and Autonomists Arrested in French "Anti-Terror" sweep

Early on the morning of November 11th French anti terror police raided houses in 3 french towns arresting 20 individuals for the sabotage of high speed rail lines in France. The arrested are alleged by authorities to be part of an "anarchist-autonomous gang" responsible for "violent rhetoric" and rioting. One of the towns raided was the town of Tarnac which in recent years had become a sort of "libertarian" community made up of young anarchists and autonomists from all over France. According to Le Monde one of the arrested is supposed to have been one of the authors of an influential piece called "The Insurrection to Come".

Although the press gives varying numbers it is believed that 8-10 of the individuals caught up in these raids are still being held and will face terror charges.
En la madrugada del 11 de Noviembre, la Policia Especial Contra Terrorismo allanaron casas en tres pueblos de Francia. 20 individuous fueron detenidos por sabotajes contra la red ferroiaria francesa.

Mas informacion en español

Thursday, November 06, 2008

whoever they vote for...

whoever wins the election, we lose even if it is Obama.

The realm of politics lies within the social war waged against us by those in power daily, not in the election spectacle that happens every four years. Let us build our own power and create a real change that we would all like to see.