Student rebellion continues in Chile as the LGE (the General Education Law) is passed. Students holding an "illegal march" are attacked by the police and fight the police for hours in the city center. Colleges and high schools are occupied throughout the country, masked youth set burning barricades and fight off the police. Info in Spanish photo gallery
Once again students in Chile are rebelling against the for profit public education system in Chile, seizing schools throughout the country and battling police in the streets. Like similar protests in 2006 repression seems to make the movement grow stronger.
Monday, June 09, 2008
El Director General de los Carabineros de Chile, Jose Alejandro Bernales, murío en un accidente en Panama.Los medíos en Chile le llaman ahora, 'El General del Pueblo' ignorando sucomplicidad en la dictadura de Pinochet y el represíon de movimientos sociales en la 'democracia'. El artista SubVerso ha hecho esta canción para que la verdadera historia de esta facho salir a la luz.
The head of the Chilean National Police force (the Carabineros), Jose Alejandro Bernales, was killed when his plane crashed last week in Panama. In Chile the mainstream media and government have casted this man as a saint and named him "the General of the People". The truth is Gen. Bernales was a man whose rise to power in the Police coincided with the rise to power of Fascist Dictator General Augusto Pinochet. Bernales' reign of terror continued until his death with massive repression against social movements as his signature style. Radical Hip Hop Artist SubVerso gives an alternate history of Bernales' career in this video.
an anarchist collective documenting anarchist resistance throughout the americas and beyond. Somos un colectivo anarquista documentando la resistencia anarquista en las Americas y mas alla. amor.resistencia [at] gmail [dot] com