Monday, September 22, 2008

Movie Night: "Radio Alice"

If you are in the NYC area come out Thursday Night:

Work Slowl​y-​Radio​ Alice​ (​2004)​ takes​ place​ in Bolog​na durin​g the wides​pread​ socia​l ruptu​re that gripp​ed Italy​ in 1977.​
The pirat​e radio​ stati​on,​ Radio​ Alice​,​ and the Auton​omia movem​ent provi​de the backd​rop for the film,​ as it explo​res
free love,​ class​ warfa​re,​ gener​ation​al confl​ict,​ and crime​ while​ chron​iclin​g the lives​ of vario​us peopl​e strug​gling​ to
trans​form the world​ aroun​d them and thems​elves​.​ Itali​an langu​age with Engli​sh subti​tles.​

Thurs​day Septe​mber 25th,​ 7pm
The Chang​e You Want to See Galle​ry
84 Havem​eyer Stree​t,​ at Metro​polit​an Avenu​e
Willi​amsbu​rg,​ Brook​lyn

Monday, September 15, 2008

Social Conflict in St. Paul

Video from the first day of the RNC in St. Paul Minnesota.
Support those arrested!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Black September in Chile: Barricades in honor of Claudia Lopez

(from our war)
10 years ago on September 11th, Claudia Lopez a woman, student and anarchist dancer was killed by the police during a protest commemorating the coup of 1973. Under the slogan of Black September the youth combatants fight in her name, and in the name of all those killed under democracy, against the bastards who killed them, making sure that the world remembers that we are living in a war.

-On September 2nd combative youth took the streets to stop traffic on Jorge Alessandri Avenue out side of the UMCE University. They fought police for hours with rocks and Molotov cocktails

-On September 9th combative youth set fire to barricades to remember Claudia Lopez in the Cordon Macul, attacking a McDonalds with Molotov Cocktails
Diez años atrás en un 11 de Septiembre, Claudia López una mujer, estudiante y bailarina anarquista fue asesinada por la policía cuando protestaba durante una conmemoración del golpe de estado de 1973. Bajo el slogan de Septiembre Negro, la juventud combatiente pelea, en su nombre y en el de todos los asesinados en democracia, contra los bastardos que la mataron, haciendo que el mundo recuerde que estamos viviendo en guerra.

El dos de septiembre la juventud combatiente salió a las calles para cerrar el tráfico en la Av Jorge Alessandri, afuera de la Universidad UMCE (ex pedagógico). Se enfrentaron a la policía durante horas con piedras y bombas mólotov.

Sept, 9. La juventud combatiente encendió barricadas para recordar a Claudia López en el Cordón Macul, atacando con molotovs un local de McDonalds.