Saturday, March 10, 2007

Indigenous/ First Nations Resistance in Canada/ Resistencia Indigena en Canada

Resistance against the 2010 Olympic Games.

Resistencia contra los Juegos Olympicos 2010.

March 7th, 2007 Coast Salish Territory [Vancouver, Canada]

Native Warriors have claimed responsibility for the theft of an Olympic flag at Vancouver City Hall. The Native Youth Movement has been one of the groups that has been activel in the struggle against the Olympics planned for Vancouver in 2010.

Read the communique.

Vancouver Anti Poverty Committee Statement on flag theft.

No Olympics on Stolen Land!

7 de Marzo Teritorio Litoral Salish [Vancouver, Canada]
Un Grupo de guerreros nativos han tomado responsibilidad por el robo de una bandera olympico en el centro de Vancouver. El Communique:

" En la madrugada de Martes, el 6 de Marzo, 2007 XXXXXX la bandera Olympico desde suXXX en e . Abrimos el panel de acceso
In the early morning hours of Tuesday, March 6th, 2007, we removed the Olympic Flag from its flag-pole at Vancouver City Hall. We pried open the access panel on the pole with a crowbar, using a bolt-cutter, cut the metal cable/halyard inside, cause the flag to fall to the ground.

We claim this action in honor of Harriet Nahanee, our elder-warrior, who was given a death sentence by the BC courters for her courageous stand in defending Mother Earth.

We stand in solidarity with those fighting against th destruction caused by the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

No Olympics on Stolen Land!

Native Warrior Society

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